Finance, Programming, Data
Big Data Era
Because our society has entered a so-called Big Data Era, many companies have
spent a huge amount of time, efforts and money on data.
Thus, data handling skills will be a great measure of
a student's ability.This is true for finance.
For example, do you know how to process SEC filings, and Census 2010 data? For a positive answer,
you could claim that you have a good data handling skill as a finance-major student.
Future of Finance: 3-word summary
- Finance: click here
Programming: click here
- Data: click here
My Teaching
Financial Modeling using R, my syllabus
Financial Modeling using Excel, my syllabus
Business Analytics using Excel, my syllabus
Corporate Finance, my webpage
Portfolio Analysis, my syllabus
Options and Futures, my syllabus
Financial Data Analytics using SAS, my syllabus
Financial Modeling using Python
Python for Finance
Business Analytics using R
Learning Excel, my materials
Programming (open-software)
The first component of Open-Source Finance (OSF):open-source software: R, Python, Julia, Octave and Perl.
Data sources (open-data)
The second component of Open-Source Finance (OSF):Open data, such as SEC filings, Census 2010 data.
Offer many journals related to finance, accounting and economics, finance conferences, job (Ph.D. level)
related web pages and some graduate programs.
About me: